+ How can my company join Corporate Angel Network?
Becoming a valued CAN partner is simple – register online using this secure form and a CAN representative will contact you regarding next steps. Please keep in mind that all aircraft must be pressurized and flown with two pilots.
+ How does the partnership program work?
The CAN team works to match requested patient routes with scheduled business flights. Schedule sharing may be done via a flight management software or if needed, by email or phone. CAN will work with your team to determine the most efficient process. When a match is found, CAN will contact the designated corporate contact where the flight may be accepted or rejected.
+ Since our flight schedule changes all the time, how can we accommodate the patients?
All participating companies have frequent changes in their flight schedules. Because schedule changes are the nature of corporate aircraft operations, the patients book back-up commercial flights so they can still get to their treatment in the event of a cancellation.
+ Is additional insurance required?
Patients are covered for liability by your already-existing insurance policy. However, if you wish, patients can sign a release form provided by Corporate Angel Network, which will be sent to your flight department prior to a flight.
+ Are there any tax ramifications?
No. The IRS has confirmed that this is not a taxable event for the patient, and there is no additional tax benefit to the corporation. The company is not incurring any additional expense since the staff travels in the normal course of company business.
+ What if a flight must leave ahead of schedule? Will we have to wait for the patient?
Patients arrive one hour ahead of scheduled departure.
+ What is the medical status of the patients? (There are no medical facilities onboard.)
All patients are ambulatory and able to climb the aircraft stairs unassisted. They require no medical assistance onboard and this is verified with their physicians before CAN contacts you.
+ What if confidential information is discussed on the flight and privacy is essential?
Simply do not list that flight as available to Corporate Angel Network.
+ What is required of our flight department?
The only work required is to send the flight schedule to CAN. When sharing your schedule via a flight sharing software, no additional work is required from your flight department, as the feed is automatic.
+ How many corporate flights will we be expected to provide?
Your corporation can provide as many flights as it wishes. Every flight provides transportation for a patient who might otherwise not be able to travel. CAN will work with you to accommodate the amount of flights which your corporation is comfortable with providing.
+ How is flight information kept private and secure?
We can set up a secure feed from a corporation’s flight sharing software directly to CAN’s system. This allows you to choose what information is sent to CAN and hide all sensitive information.